Web hosting for all needs
- SALE - now with 50% discount for the first period
- 3 GB for data
- Basic website with content management (via CMS) and database for 3 GB of data.
- 50% discount for the first period
- 6 GB for data
- Automatic WordPress installation and updates + 6 GB space.
- 50% discount for the first period
- 16 GB for data
- 16 GB for larger sites and applications, customizable settings, ideal for businesses.
- 50% discount for the first period
- 8 GB for data
- 8 GB of space for e-mails on your own domain. Available on desktop and mobile.
- 50% discount for the first period
Your website will feel at home here
We are happy to help and advise all users. The proof is in the testimonials of satisfied clients.
Web hosting is well tuned and runs on uncongested servers with SSD drives.
Parameters can be easily increased at any time. We can also replace the hosting with a virtual server.
A simple yet powerful weapon. You can manage and set up everything from your mobile phone.
HTTPS is automatically enabled. We simply install even purchased certificates.
Every day we back up your data to a different datacenter. Data recovery is free of charge.
The price includes DDoS protection, antispam, antivirus and technical supervision in the datacenter.
WordPress, Prestashop and above all the most demanding users.
We listen to our clients. We are constantly improving our services to make them feel their best.
What our customers say about Webhosting
„Eshop Autopalace needs to communicate safely with the company system Microsoft Navision and it has to be 100% available for our large buyers and customers. Everything works perfectly. “

„I appreciate the smooth running of CRM with Oracle database. I haven't noticed any failure over the past 3 years. The network speed is great. “

„I was pleasantly surprised about your website interface. I always appreciate the technical support provided.“

„CRM is the heart of our company so if it was unavailable, it would mean a dramatic loss for us. Fortunately, it's never happened over the past 5 years. Thank you. “

With our web hosting you get everything you need
- 99.99% availability
- uncongested, powerful servers
- dual power and connectivity
- reliable backup to another server room
- unlimited databases, crons
- unlimited data transfers
- unlimited care from us
- possibility to buy space for 1 GB/16 CZK per month
- mobile friendly webmail, webftp
- powerful antispam, antivirus
- log files, awstats statistics
- installation of editorial systems on click
- easy migration without downtime
- environment ready for WordPress, Nette and other systems
- satisfaction guarantee
- Linux, Apache, Nginx
- speed thanks to SSD
- .htaccess, mod_rewrite
- PHP 5.6, 7.X and 8.X
- MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite databases
- HTTPS (Let's Encrypt), SSL certificates
- DNS management
Full web hosting parameters"

All about hosting
When you get a hosting program, there will be a dedicated space for your data on our server. Basically you can imagine it as a space in a computer disc, but this one is accessible from everywhere. You get also an access to your customer service and to all the necessary details is sent to your email. Then it is up to you – upload the data and create an emails.
If all this is a bit confusing for you, just order Lite – tariff that includes what is needed e.g. email, databases, web, etc. You can run your blog, company website or more complicated applications. If you need to install your web to wordpress, order tariff Wordpress. You can always change your tariff, add more space, etc. If you are going for more complicated projects,try our virtual servers. If still confused, please contact us.
If you created a web in HTML in Dreamweaver or similar, all you need it log in to FTP and copy the files to the www file. To make it easier there are web ftp for you. Anyway we recommend a classic FTP client, the most popular is FileZilla operating on Windows, Mac and Linux. For Windows we recommend WinSCP.
First step goes to your email. There is an initial installation protocol where you find all links and accesses. Next step is our customer service centre. You use your access from the email. There you can sort out your email accounts, databases and FTP.
Once you have all accesses, set up FTP client and upload necessary files to your domain. Your web is ready.
There is one domain on one hosting, including a database, email accounts and data space. Other of your domains can have hosting nd some of our services that are free with a domain, e.g. redirection, alias, free basic hosting (no emails and databases). Looking for multihosting? Check our virtual server offer. You get an easy interface as hosting. Don't worry about the server management – it's included.
Hosting details
You can use the configuration file .htaccess on our servers.You can copy it to FTP or generate it in Customer service as Special address book setting. There is a place to write rules for mod-rewrite. You can customize the .htaccess.
Directive rules for mod_rewrite can be used without limitations. Documents and instructions can be found here:
- https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/misc/rewriteguide.html
- https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/mod_rewrite.html
More configuration directives in .htaccess are allowed but limited due to security.
Every hosting programme has a certain disk capacity. If it's not enough, request number of megabytes in technical support and we will take care of it. Prices of extension are in our price list.
Customer service centre
Easy application that manages domains and hosting programme. It's available on centrum.vas-hosting.cz in different languages and help.
PostgreSQL Administration – phpPgAdmin
Your postgreSQL database can be managed through phpPgAdmin available on pgsql.vas-hosting.cz.
MySQL Administration – phpMyAdmin
MySQL database can be operated through phpMyAdmin or easy and fast Adminer by Jakub Vrána. They are available on mysql.vas-hosting.cz and adminer.vas-hosting.cz.
If you don't have an email client by your hand, you can use our web email client RoundCube available on mail.vas-hosting.cz.
There is also a web FTP client available for you in cases you have problems with your FTP or you are using a different pc on webftp.vas-hosting.cz.
Easy visitor and approaches statistics on web run with awStats are available on stats.mydomain.tld, e.g. stats.kareldytrych.cz.
Open source applications on Vas hosting
Are you ready for everything? we are as well. We don't want to limit your business so we support Open Source solution to give you your own content management system, forum or blog for free or with little expenses.
Open source system or free available solution for webs, forums, blogs, etc. is a computer software with open source code. Openness means a technical code availability and legal availability – software license. Due to that you can use hundreds of modifications or customize your open source system. More here wikipedia – open source.
The best open source ever that runs your web on our sever:
the most used content management system ever, especially with blogs. It is written in PHP and MySQL with wide user and developer community and hundred of thousands of downloads. Thank to GNU/GPL license is available for free and covers all needed for blog or web management. You can create articles, websites, upload data to FTP, upload pics, create galleries, etc.
Official website: wordpress.org.
standards following, easy form of Wiki, focused on creating a documentation. It's targeted on developer teams, work groups and small companies. It has easy and strong syntax to ensure the readability of data files apart from Wiki and makes creating structured texts earries. No need for a database since the data are saved in text files.
Official website: www.dokuwiki.org/dokuwiki.
flexible content management system. Do you want a blog, eshop, forum, corporate web? All can be done by Drupal. Small, stable and fast kernel with great interface and modules.
Official website:drupal.org.
software package for full-time and distant learning through online courses. It provides easy study material publication, establishing a forum, gathering and assessing of electronically sent tasks, creation of tests and others. It runs on Unix, Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, Netware and any other system supporting PHP. Data are stored in MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL or Oracle database.
Official website: moodle.org.
professional content management system for full web content management. It includes many plugins, extensions, motive change, blogs, forums, calendar, etc. Joomla has a quality base of developers and contributors and it is licensed by GNU GPL and distributable free.
Official website: www.joomla.org.
content management system not so popular these days with a motto "flexible, elegant and easy-to-use content management system". The use is limited to the user knowledge and experience.
Official website: textpattern.com.
e-shop with many functions and modules extensions can be installed for free and its beginner focused.
Official website: www.oscommerce.com.
professional e-shop system that provides extension option with easy settings and usage. Intelligent template management system is included.
Official website: www.zencart.com.
quality forum made in PHP can be implemented into your web. It requires MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite database.
Official website: punbb.informer.com
Other tested applications
- PhpBB
- Wikimedia
- Magento
- Prestashop
- Mambo
- PhpRS

Our Hosting likes open source
Many open source projects have been tested on our configured hosting. You can count on these applications to run like a Swiss watch.
To manage source code and deploy applications to production.
Mautic + e-shop
Smart marketing and ecommerce on one server. Prestashop installs on a click.
Your own cloud storage to keep your data under control.
Lots of other open source apps
- Pretashop
- Quickcart
- Moodle
- Drupal
- Wikimedia
- DokuWiki
- Magento
- OS Commerce
- Zencart